
FSI: Boot Camp Part 2

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McBeaver stood at the edge of a military school-like obstacle course.

The sun was setting.

Dark clouds filled the sky.

Lightning flashed.

Thunder boomed.

"You are all facing an obstacle course in which I don't expect you all to make it out of alive…" McBeaver said. "Barbed wire… Giant posts… Rope swinging… Medieval traps… Modern traps… Home-made DVDs… All the torture you can think of…"

Spike gulped.

Slick looked at Bunny annoyed.

Rain started to pour down heavily.

"ON MY WHISTLE!" McBeaver yelled.

"Wait what?" Spike asked.

McBeaver blew the commanding whistle.

Everyone started off for the obstacle course.


Squirrel swung on a tire swing across a pool of rain and mud.

He face-planted himself into the mud.


Spike climbed over a wooden post and slipped in the rain and fell into the dirt.


Fox crawled under the barbed wire in a rush with Miss Fortune following him.


Bunny started to climb a post.

She got to the top and sighed.

Slick walked to the back of the post and smirked.

He shoved the post forward, and it fell, taking Bunny along with it.

Bunny fell into the mud and swallowed the rain and dirt.

Slick ran past her.

Bunny stood up and vomited mud.

"Okay this is sick and painful! I'm out!" Bunny yelled.

McBeaver walked over to Bunny and raised his eyebrow.

Izzy came up from behind and sighed.

"Me too, this is too harsh bra…" Izzy said holding up a peace sign.

McBeaver blinked awkwardly at Izzy.

He snapped out of it and pulled out two giant weights.

"Complaining gives you a punishment!" McBeaver yelled tossing the two weights to Izzy and Bunny.

Izzy caught the weight with ease and sighed.

The other weight flew and hit Bunny, taking her to the ground.

Bunny stood up, tossed the weight aside and stomped her foot.

"I am out! Done! Fanito!" Bunny yelled.

McBeaver shook his head.

"You lost yer chance at immunity…" McBeaver said.

"So? I don't care! I am done with this stupid challenge!" Bunny snapped.

She kicked the weight with all her might.

She froze.

"OUCH! OWOWOW!" Bunny screamed.

Bunny grabbed her foot and walked off in pain.

Izzy shrugged and ran the course with her weight at hand.

McBeaver shook his head.


Fox crossed the finish line with little scrapes.

Miss Fortune leaped across the finish line and grabbed Fox in a hug.

Fox sighed and shook his head.

Slick crossed the finish line.

His clothes were torn and he had many scrapes.

"Eh, that was annoying." Slick groaned.

"You're telling me." Fox said shoving Miss Fortune off of him.


Squirrel swung on a rope and rolled through the mud.

"I love these challenges!" Squirrel said splashing the mud.

Spike swung on the rope and flew past Squirrel and hit another wooden post.

"Ouch…" Spike groaned.

Squirrel ran over to Spike.

"Come on let's go!" Squirrel screamed happily.

"Eh…" Spike groaned. "I don't think I want to Squirrel, how about-"

Squirrel grabbed Spike's wrists and pulled him through the mud.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Spike groaned smashing his face through many boulders.

Squirrel pulled Spike through the barbed wire.

Squirrel was getting scraped and ripped in the wires, but he didn't care.

Spike was also getting hurt and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Okay! Squirrel! Stop!" Spike groaned with a face full of mud.

Spike stopped Squirrel in the midst of the barbed wire.

Spike stood up and grabbed the barbed wire and twisted it and pushed it away.

"I'm out I can't afford more pain." Spike groaned.

Squirrel stared blankly.

"Wuss." Squirrel said.

Squirrel ran off.

"Weights anyone?" McBeaver asked carrying an even bigger weight than last time.

He tossed it at Spike.

It hit Spike, taking him into the mud.

The weight fell above Spike's neck.

It started to sink in the mud, choking Spike.

"H-Help!" Spike gasped.

McBeaver rolled his eyes.

He walked off.


Squirrel passed the finish line with a smile.

Izzy followed, carrying her weight.

Izzy tossed it aside.

"Done." Izzy said wiping her hands.

McBeaver drove over to the finish line on his four wheeler.

"Aye, so this is everyone that finished the course?" McBeaver asked folding his arms.

Squirrel nodded.

Fox shook his head annoyed.

"So we have officially dropped off three contestants, aye?" McBeaver asked looking around.

Bunny sat on a wooden stool at the beginning of the obstacle course.

Tonya sighed against the mess hall in crutches. Her hair was ratted and she had a cast and a black eye.

Spike's hand shook violently in the mud.

"Well, no matter, it's time for yer next challenge!" McBeaver said.

"Wait! The sun is down! It's pouring rain! Don't you think we deserve dinner?" Fox yelled.

"Yeah, and what about the bonfire ceremony?" Slick groaned.

"Elimination will begin when we have one contestant left standing. As for dinner, you will eat only when I tell you to eat!" McBeaver snapped. "Now suck it up and meet at the beach!"

Everyone groaned, except for Squirrel.


"Can't we go inside and go to sleep!?" Bunny yelled, shivering in the rain. "We're not even competing!"

"Soldiers stand as one. You three don't have to compete, but you have to endure the cold like the rest of us!" McBeaver yelled.

Bunny, Spike, and Tonya, all shivered and grabbed their sides.

"Now!" McBeaver yelled. "Soldiers must swim through the ocean and around the booeys and back. Anyone who wants to quit will be forced to take the anchor with them!" McBeaver held up a giant anchor.

"But there's lightning! The waves are thrashing! We'll drown!" Miss Fortune complained.

"Yeah, I can't swim." Squirrel said frowning.

"I just don't want to do it." Izzy said shrugging.

McBeaver growled.


Fox and Slick shrugged and ran into the water.

McBeaver tossed three anchors to Miss Fortune, Izzy, and Squirrel.

Izzy sighed and took her anchor out to sea.

Miss Fortune dropped her anchor.

It landed on her foot.

"OUCH!" Miss Fortune screamed. She tried grabbing her foot from underneath the anchor but it was stuck.

Squirrel threw his anchor over his shoulder and it landed on Miss Fortune's other foot.

"Ouch!" Miss Fortune yelled.

She fell backwards and couldn't keep herself up.

"I don't want to do it." Squirrel said to McBeaver.

McBeaver knelt over to face Squirrel.

"Punishment is elimination. But from being such a good sport, you will have one more test of punishment: Confinement. In solitary. In the tool shed." McBeaver said squinting at Squirrel.

Bunny, Miss Fortune, and Spike gasped.

Tonya fainted- Again.

Squirrel shrugged.

"What's wrong with a tool shed?" he asked smiling.


Squirrel sat on a bucket in a dark tool shed.

He looked around at all the jagged and broken tools.

There was a very small window which occasionally lit up the room when lightning flashed.

Rain poured down the window and made the room gloomier.

"Well… This isn't so bad." Squirrel said.


"Creepy tall girl, you're out." McBeaver said picking up Miss Fortune.

He tossed her into Bunny.

"Ouch!" Bunny yelled.

"Sorry." Miss Fortune groaned.

Slick and Fox raced through the giant waves.

"I can't see in this weather." Slick groaned swimming.

Fox swam around the booey and started back for the beach.

Izzy passed Slick while carrying the anchor.

Bunny rolled her eyes at Slick.

Tonya looked around and took her crutches and walked off.

Spike raised his eyebrow suspiciously.

Confessional: "I dunno, it's just weird for Tonya to walk off." Spike said scratching his chin.

Tonya was walking on her crutches behind the mess hall and towards the tool shed.

She walked to the tool shed and opened the door.

"Squirrel?" Tonya asked looking around.

"Hey Tonya!" Squirrel said waving his hand.

Tonya's eyes widened and then she squinted in the dark.

"Oh there you are!" Tonya said. She walked over to Squirrel on her crutches.

"Here you go." Squirrel said standing up from the bucket he was sitting on. "Take a seat; I'll get my own chair."

Tonya sat on the bucket and pushed her crutches against a tool stand.

Squirrel pulled up a fishing box and sat on it.

"That rain was scary!" Tonya whined. "And I was worried about you!"

Lightning flickered.

"I'm okay." Squirrel said shrugging. "These dark small spaces don't scare me."

Tonya smiled.

"Yeah, like when you were in that treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean." Tonya said.

"Yup." Squirrel said smiling.

Tonya pulled her bucket closer to Squirrel and sat down.


"Done!" Fox said panting on the wet beach.

McBeaver pulled out binoculars and looked around for Izzy and Slick.

Slick was paddling without sight.

He slammed into the booey and sank.

Izzy swung her anchor around the booey and tugged herself closer to it.

McBeaver groaned and spat.

Fox walked over to Spike, Bunny, and Miss Fortune.

"That was amazing!" Miss Fortune said running up to Fox.

Fox shook his head annoyed.

Miss Fortune squeezed Fox in a big hug.

Fox rolled his eyes and looked out at sea.

Izzy was swimming around the booey now.

Confessional: "Anchor shmanchor, these challenges are a piece of cake." Izzy said annoyed. "McBeaver really needs to take a chill pill."

"And then Pet Rock thought I was really asleep when I clearly wasn't." Squirrel said excitedly. "And that's not even the best part! I also brought my very own vacuum cleaner and-"

"Squirrel?" Tonya interrupted.

"Uh, yes?" Squirrel asked surprised.

"I really like you. You're fun and silly and you don't think you're all punk when you're clearly not like Batty." Tonya said.

"Aww thanks Tonya! You too!" Squirrel said grinning.

Tonya smiled.

"Well, thanks for keeping me entertained." Tonya said smiling. "I don't feel much pain in my body anymore."

"Well that's good. Glad I could help!" Squirrel said.

Tonya looked around the tool shed.

Tonya knelt towards Squirrel quickly and kissed him.

Confessional: "I don't know, but ever since Squirrel was feeling sad when Izzy left, he was just so emotional and connecting and not all over me like Batty was." Tonya said. She blinked. "What? I'm a blonde; I know what goes on in Batty's head! And I definitely know what goes on in Squirrel's head…"

Squirrel blinked.

Tonya smiled.

"Well then," Tonya said blushing. "I guess we should be-"

Squirrel kissed Tonya.

Confessional: "I don't know what came over me, but ever since Tonya has helped me on my feet, I think she's just been one of the cutest things. She's pretty and not as aggressive like Izzy. Plus she's really SMART!" Squirrel said. He blinked. "What, I have feelings too. I'm not that big of an idiot." Squirrel pulled out Pet Rock. "Right Pet Rock?"

Izzy threw her anchor on the beach and swam ashore.

"That was not groovy." Izzy said drying herself off.

Slick swam ashore panting.

"That… Was… Horrible…" Slick gasped.

McBeaver pulled out his megaphone.

"GET UP SOLDIER!" he yelled.

Slick stood up quickly.

McBeaver jumped onto his four wheeler.

"I'm going to go eat a delicious feast in Mr. Director's cabin. I want you all to get some shut eye because we are waking up early tomorrow to complete some more challenges." McBeaver said.

Fox and Slick shrugged.

Spike and Bunny grabbed their stomachs.

"Wait what about Squirrel?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah and where'd Tonya go?" Spike asked.

McBeaver sighed.

"Follow me to behind the mess hall at the tool shed. We'll see if your idiot survived solitary punishment." McBeaver said. "As for the blonde, who knows who cares?"

Spike gasped.

McBeaver drove off.

Fox, Slick, Bunny, Miss Fortune, and Izzy all chased McBeaver.

Spike shrugged and ran to catch up.


Tonya stepped out of the tool shed on her crutches and shivered in the rain.

McBeaver drove up and stopped next to Tonya.

"There ye are." McBeaver groaned.

Fox, Spike, Slick, Bunny, Miss Fortune, and Izzy all ran up behind McBeaver.

"Hi everyone." Tonya said shivering.

Spike and Fox grinned and waved.

Izzy ran to the tool shed door.

McBeaver pushed her out of the way and kicked down the door.

Squirrel was sitting on the fishing box smiling dreamingly.

"You can come out lad." McBeaver said.

"No, no, I like it in here." Squirrel said shaking his head.

"Then you are eliminated from the chance at invincibility lad." McBeaver groaned.

Fox and Izzy poked their heads in the door.

"Squirrel you want to stay?" Fox asked disgusted. "You actually like tight dark  places?"

Everyone blinked.

Then everyone stared at Izzy.

"What?!" Izzy asked. "Oh you're all disgusting!"

Confessional: "Ha-ha! I can't stop laughing!" Izzy laughed. "They are so right! Ha-ha!" Izzy fell on the ground.

McBeaver drove off into the woods, probably to Mr. Director's cabin.

Bunny snorted.

"He expects us to go to sleep now?" Bunny asked annoyed.

"Without food!" Fox groaned.

"Without anything!" Spike groaned. "I'm going to starve!"

"Yeah its fine groovy people, we can stand strong against the government." Izzy said grinning.

Fox stared at Izzy blankly.

He slapped her.

"Shut up." Fox said annoyed.


Fox was sitting on his bunk bed.

He was chewing his pillow in agony.

Slick was sleeping like a baby, with an evil grin on his face.

Squirrel was daydreaming and blushing on his bunk.

Spike was clutching his stomach and shivering.

Lightning flashed.

Squirrel snapped out of his daze.

Slick woke up and fell on the floor.

"I can't take this anymore!" Spike groaned.

Fox ripped his pillow and sighed.

Somebody knocked on the door.

Spike got off his bed and opened the door.

Bunny was standing at the front door, soaked from the rain.

"Hey Bunny?" Spike said confused. "What are you doing-"

'I'm coming in." Bunny said walking into the Guy's cabin.

"Okay?" Spike said.

"What are you doing here?" Fox asked getting off his bunk.

"Oh well, I sent my alliance slaves and Izzy to go fetch us some food." Bunny said sitting on Slick's bunk.

"Wait a minute." Fox said quickly. "Fetch US some food? As in you're sharing with US?"

"I don't want to, but the other three girls insisted. Miss Fortune doesn't want you to starve, Izzy doesn't want Squirrel to starve, and Tonya doesn't want any of you to starve." Bunny groaned.

"And you're allowing them to?" Spike asked.

"Hello? I don't have immunity?" Bunny said annoyed.

Izzy walked into the cabin with an armful of food.

"What's up people? I got food!" Izzy said.

She dumped the food on the floor.

Fox blinked and dove in for the food.

Spike sighed and grabbed a sandwich.

Slick shrugged and picked up a brownie.

Tonya and Miss Fortune walked into the cabin with armfuls of food.

Tonya poured the food onto the ground and joined in on the eating.

Miss Fortune dumped the food down and ran over and clutched Fox.

Fox ignored her and kept eating.

Bunny snapped her fingers and Miss Fortune let go of Fox and grabbed some cookies.

She brought them over to Bunny.

Squirrel smiled and sighed.

"Hey girls?" Spike asked through bites.

"Yeah?" Tonya asked.

"Where exactly did you get this food?" Spike asked.


"Mr. Director always brags to me about his personal buffet table!" McBeaver yelled staring at an empty table. "He has a big mouth for such a small pathetic host!"


Izzy was stuffing her face.

"What's up with you?" Fox asked biting a chicken bone.

"What?" Izzy asked.

"You're not being you. You're being… Weird." Fox said. "And that's saying something considering it's you."

Izzy blinked.

She pulled Fox onto the front porch in the rain.

"Okay, to tell you the truth, this whole hippie thing is only to tick McBeaver off." Izzy said.

Fox stared annoyed.

"Really?" Fox asked annoyed.

Izzy snapped.

"Okay! Fine! That's only part of it." Izzy groaned. "I'm always doing it because… Because Squirrel seems to like Tonya! So I'm started to act more peaceful and laid back!"

Fox sighed.

"Geez you're stupid." Fox said.

"HEY!" Izzy screamed.

"That's the Izzy I know." Fox said laughing. "But no seriously, you're being pathetic. Squirrel likes nice girls. Maybe you should be nice."

"Nice?" Izzy asked.

"We'll get to that later." Fox said. "For now, don't sweat it, just be you."

Izzy looked annoyed.

"Fine…" Izzy groaned. "Wait, can I keep it up for the rest of this challenge? Just to mess with McBeaver?"

Fox rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Fox said.

He walked back into the cabin.

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Love triangle tension between Izzy, Squirrel, and Tonya. :)
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